Working to Support Our Community Charmouth Parish Council


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What's Going On

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Council Meetings

Details of each Full Council and Committee Meetings


About Charmouth

Charmouth lies in the South West corner of Dorset at the heart of the Lyme bay coast line. Undulating hills encapsulate this great diversity, making this a prominent part of West Dorset's area of outstanding natural beauty. The coast line has both national and international designations which is part of England's first natural world heritage site.

Although a relatively small Parish, approximately 1800 resident population, Charmouth has a wealth of assets in land and buildings. These include the beach and foreshore area, incorporating the seafront car park and "Old Cement Factory"; large Playing Field in Barrs Lane; Cemetery and Chapel in Axminster Road; Allotment land; Works Depot in Wesley Close and The Elms building which houses the Council Offices. Please see our "Amenities" page for what these facilities have to offer.

For more useful information on visiting Charmouth, local and tourist
information, please go to the Visiting Charmouth website

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