Present: Carole Girling (Chair), Sarah Edwards (Secretary), Andrew Bateman, Beth Gillan, Steve Gillan, Chris Lakeman Fraser, Eden Thomson.
Apologies: Ros Cole, Adrian Ragbourne, Simon Leech, Teresa Noel, Tanya Trenholm.
CG started the meeting by asking for feedback on our first “street survey” on 13th August. Reactions had been positive, with people being very ready to talk to us. The banners and T shirts had been very effective, and CG thanked AB and AR for arranging them so quickly. It was suggested that it might be simpler to buy our own T shirts, rather than pick them up and drop them off every time we have an event.
Many of the people questioned mentioned parking, dog poo, second homes, the good range of shops and the attractions of Charmouth (“Charmouth has charm”). Other topics raised were:
Facilities at the beach (could be better, especially the café),
Signage (could be improved)
Footpaths (not enough information about)
Late buses (none)
Wet fish shop (quite a few people would like one)
Lack of dentist/worry that doctors surgery might close
Lack of public tennis court (could tennis club somehow allow access to non-members?)
Local employment opportunities.
AB stated that he had found some cynicism in people he spoke to, mostly on the basis that they hadn’t seen anything concrete (eg questionnaire) from the Group since it was formed. He felt that the questionnaire should be sent out as quickly as possible.
After a lively debate it was decided that:
1 All sub-groups should send their five draft questions to the Parish Council office before 3rd October. Any group experiencing difficulty with this please contact Carole or anyone else in the Steering Group who may be able to help.
2 The draft questions will be sent out for everyone to consider before the next meeting on 10th October, when the questionnaire will be finalised.
3 Anyone who was going to talk to a specific group within Charmouth should please do so by 10th October.
4 The aim is to send out the questionnaire at the beginning of November, to be returned by the end of November.
5 There will be an “open day” (?in St Andrew’s Community Hall) on 12th November, with a short presentation by CG at 11am and 2.30pm, when there will also be Group members out on the street. (SG will assist with the presentations).
6 CLF will work out delivery routes for those distributing the questionnaire.
7 DC to be asked about progress in setting up the Neighbourhood Plan website.
CG stressed that it was very important for all Group members to attend the next meeting if at all possible.
The next meeting will be on 10th October 2016 at 7.30pm at The Elms.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.40pm.
AB Andrew Bateman; ABr Alan Brownjohn; DC David Clifford; RC Ros Cole; LC Lorna Cowan; PD Phil Davidson; SE Sarah Edwards; SF Simon Farrington; CF Chris Fraser; BG Beth Gillan; SG Steve Gillan; CG Carole Girling; SL Simon Leech; TN Teresa Noel; PN Peter Noel; PO Paul Oatway; JP Jeff Prosser; AR Adrian Ragbourne; ET Eden Thomson; TT Tanya Trenholm;