
AUDIT 2023/24

The Notice of Public Rights for 2023/24 can be viewed here.  The unaudited Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 can be viewed here and the Accounting Statements can be viewed here.

The Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24 can be viewed here, together with the explanations here and the full written report to the Council here.

Data Transparancy

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 is issued to meet the government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to increase democractic accountability. It will make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process and help shape public services.

You can see a full copy of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. The data on this page is published under The Open Government Licence

There are seven classes of information which must be made available to the public.

Class 1 - Who makes up the council and their roles:

  • Names of councillors, roles e.g. Chairman of the Council, Chairmen of committees of the Council 
  • Council structures i.e. confirming existence and purpose of committees and sub-committees of the Council
  • Locations and accessibility details
  • Staff contact details - The office can be contacted via the contact page of this website

Class 2 - What the council spends and how it spends it:

Class 3 - The council's priorities and its progress

  • Committee Terms of Reference:

            Finance & General Purposes Committee
            Planning Committee
            Foreshore Committee
            Playing Field, Cemetery & Street Management Committee

  • Council's Statement of Intent - to follow

Class 4 - How the council makes decisions:

  • Committee and Full Council Meeting details, minutes and agendas are available through the "Meetings" tab drop down menu
  • Responses to planning applications - All responses are recorded in the Planning Committee minutes and are available to view through Dorset For You Planning Portal
  • Procedural Standing Orders
  • Councillors' Register of Interests 

Class 5 - The council's policies and procedures - follow link

Class 6 - Lists and Registers (any publicly available):

Class 7 - The Council's Services - Information about the services concerning, for example:

  • Allotments
  • Burial Grounds
  • Community Centre and village halls - Not applicable
  • Parks and playing fields
  • Highways - Not applicable
  • Byelaws - Not applicable
  • Litter Bins
  • Bus shelters
  • Markets - Not applicable 
  • Public conveniences which the council offers - not applicable

The seven classes of information above, do not include:

  • information that the council is prevented from disclosing by law
  • information exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • information in draft form

If a council does not hold the type of information in one of the classes, it will no be in breach of any statutory obligations under the 2000 Act.

Ensuring that the public can access the information via the council's Publication Scheme is vital. A council's publication scheme must confirm how much the information in the seven classes can be accessed and if there is a charge.

Part 2 of the Code is recommended practice for parish councils whose gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is the higher) does not exceed £6.5 million.

Information to be published quarterly:

  • Government Procurement Card transactions - Not applicable
  • Card Transactions - All card transactions are approved bi-monthly at Finance / Full Council Meetings in the Accounts for Approval reports and listed in the minutes.
  • Procurement Information - Invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £25,000 

Information to be publised Annually:

  • Local Authority Land Register 2023-24 - See Asset Register
  • Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations - See Full Council Minutes December 2023
  • Organisational Structure - Commitee membership
  • Staff Structure for Charmouth Parish Council
  • Trade Union facility time - not applicable
  • Parking Revenues & controlled parking spaces - see Amenities tab for car park information
  • Senior Salaries - Number of employees whose renumeration in that year was at least £50,000 - Not applicable
  • Constitution - Not applicable
  • Waste Contracts - Duty of Care documents for the Car Park 
  • Pay Multiple - to follow
  • Data Protection Policy

Community Infrastructure Levy reporting:

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